
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

My Momma

I'm so blessed to have a mom as wonderful as mine. 

As a little girl, I have so many fabulous memories of my mom. Scooting the chair to help her cook. Slipping on her sandals and walking around the house trying to be her. Bedtime stories snuggled up to her. Learning to wash my hair as she sang a song. Learning the birds and the bees with her pointing things out from an encyclopedia (haha!). Getting tickled to tears. Doing puzzles together. Picking flowers. Playing Memory. Making dresses for my Barbies. Combing out the knots in my

As I got older in my teens years, I interacted more with friends, but I watched her closely. I saw her minister to hurting ladies. I saw her exhausted after getting off work, yet still making a meal. I saw her sacrifice buying herself things to get us what we needed. Throughout it all, I never heard her complain.

As life moved on... I stood in awe at her strength as life around her fell apart. I saw her lean on her Lord for comfort, yet still maintain joy. She carried herself with dignity. Not a negative word from her lips. Her prayers remained fervent for her kids.

As I became a woman, I became aware of her wisdom and unconditional love. She pushed me towards my dreams. She encouraged me to stride and be all that I wanted to be. As I traveled away from God, she never condemned. Only showed me love. Her words always speak truth. They always turn her children to God. She took her kids in when injured, and caressed our hurts away. Her spiritual radar is impeccable. Her covering keeps the enemy away.

And if those things aren't enough, the cherry on top is she knows how to have a good time. Whether doing the dougie with her grandkids, or yelling for the Raiders, she is fun to be around. 

Not everyone gets the opportunity to have a mom like mine. She is who I aspire to be. I'm so grateful for all she has done for me, and for standing by my side. She is my rock. She is my hero. I am fortunate to call her mine.

Happy Birthday, Mom! Today, and everyday, your kids rise up and call you blessed. 

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