
Friday, April 5, 2013

The Power Washer

This morning, I was laying on the floor during my morning prayer and devotional time when a loud noise started up outside. The apartment manager was outside with a power washer cleaning down the building. The noise was quite loud as the water crashed into windows, doors, and walls. It got louder as they got closer to my apartment.

Upon hearing the engine of the washer start up, my younger cat Charlie (Chaplin) ran under the couch with his tail between his legs. He remained crouched down low, with eyes open wide. He was visibly upset, and I started to feel sorry for the little guy. I called his name. He looked over at me, but the power washer immediately took over his focus. "Charlie! C'mon! It's okay!" I said again, and he finally ran to me. I stroked his little head, and he began to purr.

The power washer then made it to my apartment windows and door. Charlie in that moment decided that being with me was not safe enough for him and back under the couch he went. A few minutes later the washer stopped completely. His guard went down, and he came out from his hiding place. I picked up him and the purring commenced. He closed his eyes and was totally relaxed...until... yup the power washer went back on, and he scurried on again.

I laughed and went back to my devotional, and then God spoke...

"My children are often like Charlie. Life has many noises. Many are loud! But through them, I will wash you clean. Yet you scurry away terrified. I call to you, but the noises have your focus. For a second you come to me, only to feel exposed and not protected. You then scurry back where fear makes you feel more safe."

It made sense. Charlie had no clue what a power washer was. He interpreted it as one thing. I could see if for what it was; a device to cleanse. It's the same way with God. He knows what the "noise" really is. We see it as this loud, scary thing. He sees the bigger picture, but fear paralyzes us. 

I know it may not seem like a deep message, but I think it was more of a reminder. God wants us to stop being a scary cat! Next time you hear that big noise in life, it's ok. It's just God's power washer doing His thing! :) 

"Have mercy on me, O God, according to your unfailing love; according to your great compassion  blot out my transgressions.Wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin." Psalm 51:1-2

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